About Mashujaa
Alcoholism and drug abuse have become common family challenges affecting directly or indirectly almost 90 percent of Christian families. It is with this in mind that Mashujaa Program was successfully launched by Rev. Simon Kamande in 2016. A lot of ground work had been done by previous moderators of PCEA Evergreen to address this growing problem. Mashujaa is a church sponsored program designed to rehabilitate persons that have a history of drugs or alcohol abuse. The program is ran on a weekly basis and records an average attendance of 15 individuals. Over the two year period of its existence, about 80 people have gone through it with about 12 percent success rate recorded. This is due to the fact that those affected go back to the same environment that negatively affect their healing. However, those who attend regularly have recorded very positive signs of improvement.The group is managed by a committee chaired by Mr. Njoroge Kinuthia and patroned by Elder Olive Mwangi. The group meets every Thursday at 11.am to 2.pm at Beulah Church along Northern Bypass.
Contents of the Programme
The program is designed from a Christian perspective to focus on three main areas namely: soul, mind and body. The coverage is as follows:1. The soul:
The program will start with a worship and devotion session to address the spiritual part of all the participants and give chance for God's direction.2. The body:
This part of the program addresses the physical needs of the participants. Content of this part will include information on: General hygiene, health talks and feeding those in attendance.3. The mind
This part addresses the development of the mind through focused learning and counselling. In this part of the program we focus on providing practical solutions to the challenges the participants face on a daily basis and will include but not limited to:- content in addiction counselling; introduction, addiction process, self-awareness, dangers, guidance and counselling, types of addiction, types of drugs and their effects, and steps to recovery from a biblical perspective.
- self empowerment-group therapy and group information
- self support program; starting and organising self-support activities; entrepreneurship, personal financial management and groupsaving.
The facilitators to the program are church volunteers and partners with experience from institutions that deal with similar programs. Our facilitators need not be addiction counsellors' but should have one thing in common, faith that Jesus is able to deal with any human problem,and are therefore dependent on Christ's enabling through prayer and sharing of the Word. Our call everytime we meet, is therefore,Come and meet a Man who resolves every human problem
Friends of Mashujaa
Mashujaa has managed to foster partnerships with various groups such as Teens ChalllengeHow to join
The programme is open to all people who feel they need help to stop alcohol addiction.